I Must Have Been Crazy!

Uncertainty is a part of life, of all of our lives. Uncertainty is about making decisions and it’s about change. We humans, as a whole, are often terrified of change. So much so, that simple decisions put us into a tailspin. Everything’s a life or death struggle. Fear of change is buried so deeply in our psyche, it’s like being on a runaway train that’s out of control.

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James Kawainui
Like Father, Like Daughter

Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something only to realize, Oh NO! That’s what my Mom(or dad) used to do. I’ve turned into my parents! We’re not aware of how much our ancestral cellular memory (and memory in general) play out in our daily lives. We could be running a pattern that is generations old, unconsciously assuming our thinking and behavior to be our own.

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James Kawainui
Quieting Your Crazy Mind

Are you finding time to relax and unwind? Do you have a way to unwind from your day and find peace and quiet in your world? How do you quiet your “crazy mind''? What do the answers to these questions say about you and how you take care of yourself?

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James Kawainui
Solving World Peace

We have a tendency to look outside of ourselves for answers to questions or to solve dilemmas we might be having. The truth is, everything starts at home, inside me. How will I be able to see anything in the world around me, (joy, happiness, prosperity, love, relationship) if I can’t see it inside of myself first?

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James Kawainui
What is A Shaman?

What is a shaman? How does one “become” a shaman? I’m noticing how many references you can find and the sudden abundance of people calling themselves shaman and doing shamanic work and healing today. It’s the next new age fad, like sound healing.

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James Kawainui
Going Quiet Inside

“The thing is, no matter what I do I can’t make my mind stop,” said Susan. We were in a session and she was telling me how stressed she was. ”It keeps me up at night. Even if I’m dead tired, as soon as I close my eyes, my mind goes crazy and it won’t stop.

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James Kawainui
The Tree Whisperer's Story

A few years ago Ashana and I had the unenviable luck of being in the path of Hurricane Sandy. The day before the hurricane was supposed to come onshore, we found ourselves having to make a choice. Stay and ride out the storm, or leave…

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James Kawainui
A Tear In the Fabric, A Practice in Surrender

It was a tear in the fabric of my life. Something shifted and solidified in that moment. 21 years ago, I had a much different life. I literally lived in another world. A world of numbers and profitability. A world where I had to listen to, and appease, unruly and angry customers…

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James Kawainui
My Kūpuna (Ancestors)

I wanted to be a nurse in my early 20’s. Even back then, I had an unconscious sense of wanting to help people. It never amounted to anything and I went in another direction because at the time I thought it would be the best thing to support my family.

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Evan Wei-Haas
What is Manalima Lomilomi?

I created Manalima Lomilomi as a combination of several techniques, some of which were handed down to me by my kupunas (ancestors) and from teachings with Hawaiian Lomilomi Masters and Maori Healers.

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Evan Wei-Haas