Solving World Peace



“I think I solved the issue of World Peace,” Amy said. 

 I was talking with one of my mentoring students a few days ago.  She remembered a quote she had seen before… again... for the first time.  Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.  Light Bulb! “I have to see peace inside me. Only then will I be able to see it in the world around me.” Brilliant! 

 We have a tendency to look outside of ourselves for answers to questions or to solve dilemmas we might be having. The truth is, everything starts at home, inside me. How will I be able to see anything in the world around me, (joy, happiness, prosperity, love, relationship) if I can’t see it inside of myself first?

 🌟 If I have no personal experience to draw from I won’t be able to recognize it when it shows up in my world. 🌟

 If there is no peace inside of you, you won’t see peace.

 Find something today that helps bring a sense of peace inside of you.

A baby snuggled in its mother's chest.

The sounds of children laughing and playing.

The gentle purr of a kitten.

Watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset.

A couple holding each other in warm embrace.

 See the beauty of who you are and the beauty of the world around you.

 Nurture it.

Help it grow.

World Peace starts inside you.

James Kawainui