Like Father, Like Daughter

Like Father Like Daughter.


One of the best memories I have growing up in Hawaii was swimming at Ke’ei Beach with my brothers and sisters. We loved the water so much we would stay in until we got so cold our lips turned blue. “Get out for a few minutes and lay on the rocks and warm up,” my mom would remind us from time to time. We would drag ourselves out of the water and spread our towels out on the lava rocks. I can still close my eyes and feel the warmth of the rocks again as if it were yesterday. We would lay there just long enough to warm then jump up and repeat the entire process over and over again, all day long.  

  Fast forward about 20 years, I’m living in Florida. I’m a parent now and my daughter is about 6. She’s playing in her kiddie pool in the front yard. “You’re so cold your lips are turning blue, “ I called out to her.”Why don’t you get out of the water and warm up for a bit.”  She climbs out of the pool, runs over to the sidewalk, and lays down on the concrete. I relive a memory of a little kid laying on the lava rocks. It’s as though I am watching myself.  How did she know to do that?

 It wasn’t until years later when I started working with people that I came to understand what I had witnessed that day.

Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something only to realize, Oh NO! That’s what my Mom(or dad) used to do. I’ve turned into my parents!  

 We’re not aware of how much our ancestral cellular memory (and memory in general) play out in our daily lives. We could be running a pattern that is generations old, unconsciously assuming our thinking and behavior to be our own. 

 We see examples of cellular memory in action around us every day. It’s how birds know where to migrate, or how salmon return to the same stream. As humans, we’re not really that different. Our social and cultural patterns are passed down generationally, through our ancestral and societal connection; and much of what we do is done without ever questioning its origin or efficacy.

 Have you noticed how the same challenges or difficulties seem to keep coming up over and over again in your life?

In my years of experience as a practitioner, I have seen the power and beauty of how people change, literally right before my eyes, when an old, outdated pattern is released from the body’s memory.

How do I recognize and begin to shift unwanted patterns in my life? Here’s a few suggestions:

●       Start observing how you react to different situations in your life.  Notice if there are similarities to what you experienced before and how they may be connected.

●       Ask yourself if it's a behavior you’re ready to shift. It’s an important question. As uncomfortable as it may be, you might find you don’t want to change it.

●       If you do want to change, can you think of another way that you could respond to the situation in mind so you could create a different outcome?

●       Realize it’s not going to change overnight. It’s going to take consistency, commitment, and perseverance. Practice really does make perfect. Keep at it, it will start to shift

Awareness is the key.  Only then will you be able to start breaking the patterns you’ve been carrying so you can live your life with freedom, and create it from a place of confidence, clarity, and joy.

I am still in awe when I watch clients,  not only become aware of what they’ve been doing, but shift the energy and break down the behavior they’ve been operating in.  I’ve witnessed major shifts in their relationships, careers and lifestyle as a result of the change that takes place.  People often tell me they feel lighter, and experience increased clarity, and as odd as this may sound, that they feel like they have more SPACE inside of themselves.

Are you ready to experience more clarity and peace in your life? Are there patterns and behaviors you are ready to let go of and change?

 Ancient Wisdom 4 u is a free 30 minute healing and consultation . Together, we’ll identify one key issue and come up with a solution that will help you move out of your old life and into a new one.

 It will be my honor to support you on your healing journey.


 “With James’ guidance and mentoring, I can not only see the power of my energy, but am able to use it as a force for good, effecting change within my circles - at work and home, within my friends and family.I have proof and understanding of how my response to events, people, situations creates my reality. I have not changed anything outwardly - I have not switched jobs, left my partner, moved addresses, etc. However, my outlook and perspective has changed drastically which has in effect completely changed my reality.”

- Amanda Burton, Chief of Staff, VMware Carbon Black, Boston MA

James Kawainui