You Are Not The Victim Of Your Fate, You are the Victim of your Attitude
You are not a victim of your Fate, you are a victim of your attitude.
I had been taught and had lived my life with the understanding that I had no control. What was happening to me, was part of some Grand Master Plan. The Universe, God, everything, was against me and I was the “victim” of circumstances that were beyond my control.
As I grew in awareness, I’ve come to find out it was the other way around! I was SHOCKED the day I realized that everything that was happening in my life was the result of my doing, my actions, and my choices. MY attitude and outlook had been the cause of most of the pain, suffering, and unhappiness in my life. My life was not the result of things happening TO me, it was happening BECAUSE of me! This went against the grain of just about every experience I’d had and everything I had been taught up to that point. “Mic drop”.
It is a fundamental shift when we start to understand that not just “what” we are thinking but more importantly, “how” we are thinking has EVERYTHING to do with what happens in our lives. In that moment, the choice is to become aware that what we say and how we feel about ourselves is what matters.
Take the time to look at how and what you say about yourself. Can you recognize how that has helped to create the life you are living right now?
Let’s start there.
I guarantee your life will change. It pops up everyday, I catch the words way quicker than I used to in the past, and listen with keener ears. I give myself permission to make mistakes and not give myself a hard time. It is a constant, sometimes moment by moment choice.
I’ve watched my clients become more aware of how they were thinking and feeling... and the amazing changes that continue to take place in their lives! It warms my heart to watch as they grow in confidence, clarity, and purpose.
It is possible and it’s what I wish for you.